Too Much Time On My Hands

My bestest little buddy ever, Rocky. This pic will make sense about halfway through the post.

At the time I began this post, it was 4:30 in the A of M on October 30th, 2023.

I’m telling you this for a couple of reasons.

One, is that I am unsure of whether or not I’m going to finish this post in one sitting.

Two, is that this is the second time I have seen 4:30 AM in a row without sleeping in between them.

“Get to the point, Eric, we’ve all pulled an all nighter for college, staying with a friend at the hospital and other reasons that we know we were awake for 24 hours, but some of the details are fuzzy.”

The point is, the last time I got out of bed from a semi-full nights sleep was 12:30 pm on Friday, Oct. 27th.

Starts to get a little more significant when I’m currently 7 and half hours from being awake for 48 straight hours, and the way it’s looking, it’s probably going to be longer than that.


I have had nowhere I needed to be. I have had nothing to study for or anything I’m significantly worried about at this point in time. That shit’s coming, just not right now. I have no relationship problems other than a fantastic little dog that I miss desperately. It’s bringing me to tears just bringing it up, so I’ll move on. Hell, my leg and hip aren’t hurting as badly as they were, which is a relief, but I’ve also been treating it better by confining myself to the wheelchair with the exception of the previous Saturday when my brother picked me up and drove me out to his place to hang out with him, my sister-in-law and my mom for the afternoon and some dinner, when I relied solely on my crutches that I acquired.

Best damn snuggler in the world!

FYI, the crutches are absolutely fantastic and the walkers are folded up and put in the closet to be donated to a nursing home, assisted living center, homeless shelter, whoever needs them …. my brief foray into philanthropy seeing as how I’m firmly in a place where I need some philanthropy directed at me.

I know, I have wandered off topic. I would blame it on the lack of sleep but those of you who know me, know that’s just how I am and I’m putting that out there before you call me out on it.

Point is, I’ve been awake for two days and I have no idea why. To really drive the point home, I fully intended to go to bed last night. I have a prescription for 100 mg of Trazadone that I had to twist my doctors arm to raise it up to which she reluctantly agreed to, and probably why she was so eager to violate me a couple of weeks ago.

Fucking 13 year old Doctor bitch lady.

I mean, seriously. He loves to be in my lap.

Last night, I took 2 of them. 200 mg. Then I sat down on the couch, turned on the PS5 and decided to play a game until it started to kick in . That was about 12:30 am Saturday night. At 4:30 am, I was still playing the game and the Trazadone had not done anything resembling “kicking in”. In fact, I felt nothing. A dosage that would have any normal human out cold for 12 hours straight and be a cause of concern for ER doctors.

Not good ole me, King of Indisposition.

That’s a synonym for insomnia, apparently. I’m not trying to be pretentious, just the weird kind of shit I do to entertain myself when I can’t sleep. Insomnia, indisposition, pretentious, philanthropy for cryin’ out loud … I guess I’m feeling loquacious tonight.

I’m just fuckin’ with ya. I can’t sleep and I’m screwing around with $12 words to keep myself entertained which makes me start to ramble.

For REALZ though!! I love that little dude.

You know what else makes me ramble?

Placing me in front of a keyboard, oxygen, rain, snow, sunshine, sleet and some weird weather shit we had going on when I lived in Colorado.

There may have been no point to this post at all aside from entertaining myself with something other than the PS5 for a while and that I hadn’t talked to you folks in a couple days. I like to view my stats on the website and see how often the eight of you come by to read. That makes me feel good to see ya’ll stop in and hang out for a while. Unlike if eight of you came to my house at the same time and then I would have a massive anxiety attack, but that’s just a side effect of whatever weird ingredients have been stirred into the wad of scrambled eggs I have for a brain.

I didn’t get in bed with him soon enough one night, so he curled up in my work jacket that was lying on the bed. It smelled like me.

I will return with another post after I have finally had a full nights sleep, or what qualifies for one for me, and give you a final tally as to how long I ended up being awake and hopefully write something a little more cohesive, but predictably loquacious.

For now, it’s 5:30 am, and my brother, who gets up at the asscrack of dawn to take kids to school and make an actual decent breakfast for himself and the wife if she is up, then signs on to the PS5 sometimes as late as 9 am, and frequently as early as 6:30 and I’m looking forward to the “Dude, this is not good, man! You have to sleep!”

I will, Dear Brother, I will. It’s a process.

Thanks for hanging out with me while I insomnia my ass off, and for putting up with all the pics of my little buddy, Rocky that I miss so badly. That absence makes my chest hurt worse than the steering wheel did.

Be good to each other.

Or argue pointlessly with Republicans on Facebook. It entertains me greatly.

I love all your faces!!

3 thoughts on “Too Much Time On My Hands”

    1. I was never a pet person at all. Always hated cats and still do, but Rocky, that boy stole my heart the first time I saw a picture of him and he’s never let it go.

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